Ziyauddinkhan ibn Eshon Babakhan

Ziyauddinkhan ibn Eshon Babakhan
Islamic religious leader, preacher, theologian, Sheikh-ul-Islam. Second Chairman of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan (SADUM). Mufti of five republics (1957-1982).
Ziyovuddin Khan was born in Tashkent in 1908 in the family of Sheikh Eshon Bobokhan, the imam-khatib of the Tilla Sheikh Mosque. He received his primary religious education from his father Sheikh Eshon Bobokhan, later at the Kokaldash madrasa and the rules of tajwid under the hands of Hakim Qari, and at the age of twelve he memorized the entire Qur’an. Madrasa students began to learn the science of hadith from teacher Jamalhoja, Khatib Tabrizi’s book “Mishkotul Masobih” and the interpretation of “Jalalayn” from Hazrat Hasan. At that time, the famous scholar Sheikh Muhammad ibn Said ibn Abdul Wahid al-Asaly, who came to Tashkent from Sham (Syria), took lessons from Ziyavuddin Khan Imam al-Bukhari’s book “Al-jame’ as-sahih” from Shami Tarablusi. They were persecuted since 1928 when they were imam-khatib in the mosques of Tashkent city. In 1943, joining the initiative of his father, he actively served in the establishment of the Central Asian and Kazakh Muslim Religious Control. 1943-1948 in the newly formed Religious Control. who worked as a responsible secretary. 1947-1948 They have advanced their qualifications in the higher Islamic educational institutions in the cities of Cairo, Mecca and Medina. In 1948-1957, he worked as a deputy chairman of the National Committee of the People’s Republic of China.
In 1951-1955, they participated in international conferences held in Russia, Pakistan, and India.
In 1957, at the 2nd Congress of Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, held in Tashkent, they were elected as the second chairman of the OOKMD and five muftis of the republic.
1962-1982 Heads of the international department of Muslim organizations of the Council on Religious Affairs under the Union Council of Ministers.
Sheikh, mufti Ziyavuddin Khan ibn Eshan Bobokhan, member of the Jakhan Peace Council (1955-1982); Member of the board of the Union Peace Committee; Member of the Asian and African Solidarity Organization, member of the board of the Soviet Committee of the Asian and African Solidarity Organization; Member of the Islamic Conference organization; Member of the board of the Soviet Committee to establish friendly and cultural relations with foreign countries; Member of the board of the Peace Committee of Uzbekistan; Member of the Board of the Society for Establishing Friendly and Cultural Relations of Uzbekistan with Foreign Countries; They managed to establish friendly relations with 80 Islamic and Arab countries during their time as a member of the Council of Mosques. Traveled to 78 countries, 10 of which were received as personal guests of the head of state.
They contributed greatly to the opening of the only Islamic higher education institution in the former Union in Tashkent. The Tashkent Islamic Institute named after Imam Bukhari trains highly educated specialists, future mosque imams, and spiritual leaders of Muslims not only for Central Asia and Kazakhstan, but also for the Muslim republics of the North Caucasus and North Caucasus, as well as Russian regions.
Chief editor of the magazine “Muslims of the Soviet East”. The magazine was published four times a year in Uzbek, Arabic, Persian, Dari, English and French languages. Various aspects of the life of the region’s Muslims were regularly covered in its pages. Jutsrnal gained a great reputation not only among the students of the Central Asian republics, but also among foreign countries. The magazine regularly informed its readers about the activities of the Religious Administration, the activity of mosques, and the details of the most important events in the Islamic world. The magazine was distributed and read in more than 80 countries of the world.
Mufti Ziyavuddin Khan ibn Eshan Babakhan was awarded the Order of the First Class “Star of Jordan” (twice), the “Star of Jordan” badge, the first class “Pine of Lebanon”, the “Star of Lebanon” for his great services to the development of Islam. » orders, the highest order of Morocco “Great Thinker” order, the “Mark of Honor” and “Friendship of Peoples” orders of the former Union.