Domla Ikromcha

Domla Ikromcha
Muhammad Ikram ibn Abdussalam Bukhari was one of the prominent intellectuals of Bukhara in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He was born in 1855 in Bogikalon village of Galaasia district of Bukhara. After primary school, he studied at the Badalbek madrasa in 1860-1880. He studied under Qazi Abdushukur ibn Abdurasul Bukhari. Muhammad Ikram Bukhari was called Domla Ikramcha by his contemporaries and later.
Domla Ikromcha lived in Poyi Astana Guzar of Bukhara and was known as mudarris, qazi, sudur and mufti. His contemporaries called him: “the great scholar of Bukhara, the teacher of mudarris.” In “Tazkirat ash-shuaro” it is said that Domla Ikramcha taught at the Mir Arab madrasa, and in “Afzal at-tizkor” at the “Abdullah Khan” madrasa. Sheikh Inayatullah Langari (1836-1899)1 from Namangan, famous writer Sadriddin Ainiy (1878-1954)2, chairman of the religious administration of Central Asia and Kazakhstan Muslims, mufti Eshon Bobokhan ibn Abdulmajidkhan (1860-1957)3, famous ulama Hasankhan Makhdum Vasili from Andijan ( 1898-1979)4 learned from Domla Ikromcha.
In the years 1894-1896, Domla Ikromcha went on pilgrimage accompanied by the Bukhara mudarris Muhammad Avaz Khojandi (died 1907). He was impressed by the progress of Istanbul, Baghdad, Shiraz and other cities at that time. Sadriddin Aini writes that as soon as he returns from the Hejaz trip, he advocates the reform of education in madrasahs.
In 1896, Sheikh Sayyid Muhammad Ali Madani (1846-1904), a scientist from Medina, came to Bukhara and stayed in Bukhara for six months. Domla Ikromcha takes lessons from him on the science of hadith.
It is known that Domla Ikromcha is in favor of opening new schools and supports them. He sends his younger son, Abdurrahman Makhdum, to Jadid school. Even though his eldest son Habibullah is 32 years old, he studies in this school. Mufti Domla Ikromcha issues a fatwa, confirming that studying in them is correct, while some are giving fatwas that modern schools are bad.
On August 6, 1910, the question of whether to close the schools or leave them open is discussed. Domla Ikromcha said to the students and teachers at the meeting, which was attended by residents of Bukhara, big and small: “I found this school completely in accordance with Islamic morals. Religious education in this school is much higher than in the old schools. From the point of view of Islam, I think it is necessary to develop such schools…” he exclaims5.
The city’s scholars slander Domla Ikromcha. In fact, the reason for such protests was Domla Ikromcha’s work condemning heresies. Heretics were criticized in it. The full title of the work is “Iyqaz annoimin wa i’lam aljohilin” (“Awakening the heedless and warning the ignorant”), and it was published in Bukhara in 1911. The play causes a great stir. Although some oppose the author’s views, the book has a strong impact on ordinary people, youth and students. It is popularly known as “Dar bayani bid’aoti mashura” (“The Statement of Famous Heresies”), and has an effective effect on opening the eyes of the people and gives a good impetus to the struggle of enlightened people against heresies. As a result, Domla Ikromcha was sent from Bukhara to Peshku under the pretext of being a judge in 1912. The scientist was a judge in Peshku and Karakol districts for two years.
At the end of April 1917, some fanatics gave a fatwa to the muftis that Jadid schools were “not permissible” according to Sharia, and that one should not communicate with Jadids. Domla Ikromcha opposes this and writes a protest letter to Qushbegi. With the intervention of Kushbegi and Qazikalon, the government exiled Domla Ikromcha to Guzor province for the second time under the pretext of becoming a judge. With this, they try to distance the scientist from the processes and reduce the influence.
After the events of March-April 1918, the government of Bukhara arrested Domla Ikromcha. The scientist’s house was confiscated, and all his books and manuscripts were burned.
In 1920, the government of the People’s Republic of Bukhara released Domla Ikromcha and his family. The scientist was invited to Bukhara and appointed as the inspector of the Ministry of Justice. In 1922, the Sharia judiciary court was established in the country. Domla Ikromcha will be the first chairman of the court. The scientist retired in 1925, a few months before his death.
Studying the exemplary life and activities of Domla Ikromcha, the causes of the origin of various heresies and superstitions, and researching and promoting his work, which describes the damage to religion and national-spiritual values, is one of our urgent tasks.
- 1 Son of Abdurahim Muhammad Khan. “Inayatullah Langari”. “Guide”. 2009, No. 3. p. 21
- 2 Hayat Ne’mati Samarkandi. “Is Domullo Ikromchai right?” “His voice is Tajik”. December 1, 2004. No. 94.
- 3 Shamsiddinkhan Bobokhanov. “Sheikh Ziyavuddin Khan ibn Eshan Baba Khan”. Tashkent, 2001. p. 22.
- 4 Makhdum Vasiliy. “Inspirations of grace”. Tashkent, 2002. 4-p.
- 5 Sadriddin Ainiy. “Historical Revolution Thought in Bukhara”. Tehran. “Surush”, 1381. p. 36.